E M F M Sublime Space

Sublime Space is a program of EMFM, a Sunday morning, monthly gathering of dear beings who come as they are, with an interest in leaning into the practices of mindfulness (Pali Language - bavana); the cultivation of wise attention, as well as finding ways of normalizing, or holding in balance the full experiences of life, paticularly through generosity (dana) of the heart in the practices of the Brahmaviharas (immeasurables, heavenly abodes, best home, "sublime space”).
The practices of the Brahmaviharas allow us to be with the “full catastrophe” of life, internally toward ourselves, and externally toward others in the full spectrum of happienss and pain, in particular ways that move us away from reactivity (clinging and aversion), allowing us to engage practices that cultivate the wise attention, wise response; our individual refuges, our own sublime space: loving-kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), joy in the joy of others (mudita) and equanimity (upekka). In this way, mindfulness is a special relationship to suffering and pleasure of life.
This is the time of “being in the presence of” each other without feeling the need to have a particular experience of enlightenment or relaxation, but allowing ourselves to have pleasant, unpleasant or neutural experiences just as we are and stay with those expeirences through practices that can be a companion in and through life, just as we are. We can take the pressure off of that inner or outter expectation here.
The Pali word for generosity is “dana" (generosity, freely given), so the cost of this program is to “pay what you feel you can afford and what the hour is worth to you.” That is all; allowing yourself to let go of expectation.
If this feels like something your heart and mind feels drawn to, please email “Sublime Space” to emfmbartja@gmail.com to inquire about attending.
When? Select Sundays of Each Month
What to Expect:
8:30AM — Arrival & Social Time
9:00AM — Opening Meditation
9:20AM — Teaching on Aspects of Contemplative Neuroscience & Buddhist Psychology by B. Bartja Wachtel
9:55AM — Closing Meditation
Where? a yoga studio near Seattle University Campus
*Any and all information disclosed through this webiste are the sole expressed views of EMFM and are in no way condoned or endorsed of any other contracted or associated entity.